1986-10-27: Big Bang Day

The phrase Big Bang, used in reference to the sudden deregulation of financial markets, was coined to describe measures, including abolition of fixed commission charges and of the distinction between stockjobbers and stockbrokers on the London Stock Exchangeand change from open-outcry to electronic, screen-based trading, enacted by the United Kingdom government in 1986. […] The effects of Big Bang were dramatic, with London’s place as a financial capital… Continue reading 1986-10-27: Big Bang Day

1986-10-11: Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev meet at Reykjavík Summit

The Reykjavík Summit was a summit meeting between U.S. president Ronald Reagan and Secretary-General of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev, held in the famous house of Höfði in Reykjavík, the capital city of Iceland, on October 11–12, 1986. The talks collapsed at the last minute, but the progress that had been achieved eventually resulted in the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty between theUnited States and… Continue reading 1986-10-11: Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev meet at Reykjavík Summit

1986-10-05: Mordechai Vanunu Exposes Israel’s Secret Nuke Arsenal in The Sunday Times

The existence of Israel’s secret nuclear weapons program is revealed by a former nuclear-plant technician, whose story is published by The Sunday Times of London. Israel has never acknowledged possessing nuclear weapons, although most defense experts believe it has been developing nuclear warheads since the 1960s at its Dimona Nuclear Research Center in the Negev… Continue reading 1986-10-05: Mordechai Vanunu Exposes Israel’s Secret Nuke Arsenal in The Sunday Times

1986-09-30: Der Mossad entführt den israelischen Nukleartechniker Mordechai Vanunu

Photo: Eileen Fleming Noch bevor die Londoner Sunday Times Vanunus Hinweise nach gründlicher Prüfung durch den britischen Atomexperten Frank Barnaby in einem Artikel am 5. Oktober 1986 veröffentlichte, wurde Vanunu am 30. September 1986 unter Zuhilfenahme eines weiblichen Lockvogels des israelischen Geheimdienstes Mossad nach Rom gelockt, entführt und von dort per Schiff nachAshdod in Israel… Continue reading 1986-09-30: Der Mossad entführt den israelischen Nukleartechniker Mordechai Vanunu